The YCPPL Heads North!

"From Values to Policy & Legislation: Breaking Trail in a Heritage Self-Governing Context", March 22, 2013,  Whitehorse, Yukon

YFNPoster.Final copyOn March 22nd the YCPPL will head north to Whitehorse, Yukon to host a one-day policy forum that explores the challenges and experiences that Yukon First Nations communities have encountered as they have embarked on community-driven policy making or policy-making “from below.”

In an effort to engage in cross-cutlural and interdisciplinary dialouge, this forum will draw together Yukon First Nation representatives, policy makers and legal experts to explore how non-tangible values (e.g. balance, respect, integrity, and responsibility) and Indigenous law, can be used to create policy and legislation in the area of heritage by self-governing Yukon First Nations. Ultimately we aim to consider new community driven policy-making strategies can meet the unique needs of Aboriginal communities.

This forum builds on legal ethnographic work conducted in collaboration with the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, Carcross-Tagish First Nation, Tr'ondek Hwech'in First Nation, and the Ta’an Kwach’än Council  funded independently by the SSHRC Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage Multi-Research Collaboration and is co-sponsered by the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice.