On Septebmer 14th, 2012 YCPPL was a proud co-sponser the Osgoode Law Journal's Symposium on Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Papers were presented at the Symposium by Professors Gavin Anderson (University of Glasgow); John Borrows (University of Minnesota); Sujit Choudhry (New York University); Rosalind Dixon (University of New South Wales); Avigail Eisenberg (University of Victoria): Colleen Sheppard (McGill University); Mart Tushnet (Harvard); and Margot Young (UBC). Along with Robert Leckey (McGill) and Jennifer Nedelsky (Toronto) Osgoode Professors Sonia Lawrence and Bruce Ryder participated as discussants, and the Symposium closed with concluding remarks by Michael Ignatieff.
Sessions throughout the day featured lively debate about the Charter’s jurisprudence on freedom of religion, equality, social justice, and aboriginal issues. These exciting sessions are now available for viewing online by clicking here.
Congratulations to the Osgoode Hall Law Journal and Professors Benjamin Berger & Jamie Cameron on such a thought provoking and exciting event!