Issues of Cost & Access: Early Childhood Education - POSTPONED to January 15, 2013

This event has been postponed until January 15, 2013. Please mark you calandars and join us in the New Year.
Issues of Cost & Access: Beyond Silos, Towards Strategies.
Early Childhood Education  January 15
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Moot Court Room (IKB 1005)
  • Les Jacobs
    Executive Director of CFCJ
  • Dr. Charles E. Pascal
    Early Learning Advisor, Government of Ontario
  • Carol Anne Wien                                                                                          
Professor, Faculty of Education, York University 
In recent years some of Canada's largest publicly funded systems have made important strides in improving access to services by rethinking dominant paradigms around cost and social inequality. What lessons can be imparted about increasing access to the civil justice system? Join us for this three part Roundtable Series that will explore parallels to access to civil justice by engaging experts on health care, early childhood education and social investment. The YCPPL is a proud co-sponser of this event hosted by the the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice.